The school welcomes graduate students, Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows, young researchers, and senior scientists interested in the chemistry and applications of cyclodextrins.

Renowned teachers will deliver lectures covering a wide range of topics related to cyclodextrins, with a strong emphasis on knowledge transmission.
Participants are encouraged to submit contributions for flash oral presentations to discuss their recent findings.
Additionally, poster sessions will be held, and awards will be given for outstanding presentations.

Poster/communication prizes:
1) 200 € + 30% discount on APC of IJMS
2) 150€ + 30% discount on APC of IJMS
3) 100€ + 30% discount on APC of IJMS

The VI International Summer School on Cyclodextrins is cooperating with IJMS. All attendees can submit a manuscript with a 20% discount (CHF 580). Papers will be published continuously online (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Please kindly submit your full paper through the online manuscript submission and editorial system (first-time users are required to register themselves). To benefit from the discount, please note the conference information in your cover letter when submitting.

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